"We are not here to control brothers and sisters, but to build them up and help them out."

Deacon Malachi

Shalom Family and Most High in Christ Bless You All,

I am Deacon Malachi. I came into this truth, like many people, searching for answers as to why my people were always being oppressed. I was sick and tired of my old life and wanted to do and live differently. My little brother Deacon Labachaa told me about the truth years before I ever decided to come in. Thank the Most High that I listened.

My journey to my present has not been a very challenging one because I truly believe in keeping the commandments. Do I stumble? Yes, but I make sure that every day I examine myself to become a better leader, husband, and father. I want the kingdom so it’s that simple.

I am currently over the Atlanta school as well as our international schools.

My prayer for Israel United in Christ is that one day we will own our schools and land. I truly want us to build a nation while we are in this captivity. It is important for us to come together so that we can build, but it takes us all, repenting daily and striving to keep the commandments. I love my people and this is what I want for us.

Check Out Classes By Deacon Malachi

Meet The Elders of IUIC

Meet The Deacons of IUIC